Message from the founder

Message from the founder of The Man of Silver
I bring to you a family with over 60 Years of experience in Silver, Jewelry, and Watches. My father is Vernon Kagan who started Smart Jewelers and was joined shortly by his brother and my uncle Calvin. Together they built Smart Jewelers into a Worldwide Destination for Watches and Fine Jewelry. My family has serviced literally over 100,000 customers all around the World over those years. I have been to the watch factories of Switzerland. I have been to the top Estate Jewelry Show in the United States. I have been multiple times to the Annual JA Watch and Jewelry Show.
Upon my father’s retirement about a decade ago, we both simultaneously realized that almost everyone has something of value that they both no longer need and other family members simply don’t want. Maybe this resonates with you? The United States has over 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day. People who downsizing daily. People are inheriting unwanted items daily. People have self storage units filled with their stuff they are are paying high monthly fees for mostly items they will almost never likely use or need again. Their family members also almost never want their unwanted items. This is for a multiple of reasons including their own homes are filled with their own stuff, styles have changed, or their parents hobbies or passions don’t match those of their kids or grandkids. They have felt the desire to eliminate their clutter so prevent their family and loved ones from having to deal with it after they are gone. Many others want to eliminate the memories from their first marriages and or their divorce.
The Man of Silver was created under the philosophy that most people have items of value that they’ve collected or inherited which are simply accumulating dust in their home, office, storage unit, safety deposit box. I do NOT simply grab our scale and find its value in under two minutes and callously giving a lowball offer like many of our competitors for what I know might be a family heirloom or even a present from a deceased person. Just because it is out of style or broken and obviously needs to be sold doesn’t mean to you that it is sentimental. I have even helped taken keepsake photos before buying the items.
I am here to educate and service you, your family, friends, organizations, or even your clients about Sterling Silver, other valuables and what we do. I have spoken to thousands of people over the years.